Our Winter Activities:
- Theatre Night- February 27th - Date Change due to our Banff Ski Trip, Vagabond Players, Queens Park New Westminster
- Socials at Roxyburger (Whitecaps home game days),
⇉ Two goofy Nefies? No, two of ⇉ our executives. Hosers, actually!
Winter is here and as soon as our president came back from Europe, he dragged the snow clouds with him
Just in time for our Revelstoke and Banff ski trips, we went trough a snow strom just to arrive in Revelstoke for 35cm. of fresh powder. Banff, two days later, saw more than 30cm with9 more the following day. A trace of new during the week, and now it's back to groomed runs. Still more skiing into Spring 2025!!! Two more Theatre Nights - Socials - Club Nights
Location: Bernie Legge Theatre, Queens Park
New Westminster, B.C.
Contact: Walter Dorken, V.P.
Iain MacIver, Socials
For our new members, we usually book the Old Spaghetti House in New Westminster for dinner (you need to contact Bruce Chadwick or Iain MacIver for that in advance) and then head over to Queens Park where the Bernie Legge Theatre put on the live performances. Curtain is 8 pm. SHARP!
New to the Pacific Ski Club?
Roxyburgers 910 Granville Street - 3 hours before each Whitecaps's Home game.
Home Game Kick Off Times:
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